Find out more about our studio’s

Ken Okonkwo
—Associate Director

Ken joined the practice in 2006, became an Associate in 2015, and an Associate Director in 2018. He has been actively involved in a number of the studio's education, cultural and residential projects. Ken manages the practice’s Human Resources, and Wellbeing and Social Value strategy groups which include recruitment, mentoring and championing equal opportunities. Ken is a Mayor's Design Advocate, currently sits on the Stephen Lawrence Architecture Advisory Board and has been guest critic at The Bartlett School of Architecture. He studied architecture at the University of Manchester, The Bartlett School of Architecture and completed his RIBA Part III at RIBA North West. Prior to joining Haworth Tompkins he worked at UN Studio and Charles Barclay Architects.

  • Studio Directors Associate Directors Associates Senior Architects Architects Architectural Designer Architectural Assistants Apprentice Creative Support Consultants